Site Development
Through the Clearcreek Contractors division of Holt Services, you'll work with a team of dedicated foremen and laborers who are knowledgeable and experienced in the many aspects of site development and remediation.

Providing Environmental Remediation and Cleanup to the Pacific Northwest.
Clearcreek Contractors, a division of Holt Services, Inc. boasts a team of qualified foreman and laborers who are knowledgeable and experienced in all aspects of site development and remediation work.
We pride ourselves on performing efficiently in the dynamic and unpredictable world of site remediation and underground utilities. We've provided remediation services on shorelines, city streets, remote islands and mountain tops. Trust us when we say we can handle your next job.
Environmental Remediation Services
​We offer a complete line of construction services for large and small environmental remediation projects.
Construct engineered shoring systems to facilitate property cleanup
Excavation, transport and disposal of Non-hazardous soil impacted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Heavy Metals, PCBs, SVOCs and VOCs
Excavation, transport and disposal of RCRA Hazardous soil impacted by Heavy Metals, SVOCs and VOCs
Excavation, transport and disposal of solid/liquid phase TSCA waste
Soil amendment application and mixing
Construct Air Sparge, Groundwater, Ozone, Sub-Slab Depressurization and Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
Groundwater extraction including storage, treatment and disposal
Limited Access cleanups such as former and existing dry cleaning facilities
Mechanical Remediation
Remediation systems installations
Conducting in-situ remediation injection operations
Consulting Services
Clearcreek Contractors is committed to establishing strong working relationships with environmental consultants and oversight agencies to ensure proper techniques are used during remediation efforts.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
Collaboration with design team on cleanup action approach, risk analyses and project costs
Non-hazardous and hazardous waste profiling
Permitting assistance
Utility Work
Wet and dry utility installations
Other Specialized Services
AST/UST Decommissioning
AST Installations
Washington State Pollution Liability Insurance Provider
Ecological Restoration including Ponds, Shorelines, Streams and Wetlands
Storm and Sewer re-routing and re-installation
Asphalt paving repairs
Our Projects
See Our Rigs In Action.