Direct Push
The direct push drilling method pushes and/or hammers tooling into the subsurface without generating waste materials back to the surface that may be contaminated.

How It Works
A direct push rig is the perfect choice when you have a large shallow area in relatively soft unconsolidated materials, which needs a fast initial investigation on a modest budget. If there is known or suspected subsurface contamination in the soils or groundwater, a direct push drill rig is ideal.
The direct push drilling method pushes and/or hammers tooling into the subsurface without generating waste materials back to the surface that may be contaminated. Waste materials that are contaminated are costly to dispose of and require preparation of waste manifest paperwork and usually includes transportation and disposal costs.
Direct push drilling methods use a combination of hydraulic push and the static weight of the vehicle to advance a tool string by displacing soil to make a path for the tool. The operation typically does not generate drill cuttings. In the most favorable geologic conditions, using direct push enables subsurface investigations to be conducted to depths of approximately 200 ft. However, in most situations, based on our experience, investigation depths are limited to 50 ft.
GH64 percussion hammer
MC5 macro core
DT22 dual tube core
SP22 ground water sample system
PRT soil vapor sample system
Mast oscillation for easy alignment
0.75", 1", 1.5", and 2" well installations
Monitoring well installation and development
Product recovery wells
Methane recovery wells
Continuous multi-tube (CMT) well installations
Injection wells (vapor, water, thermal)
Drill Rigs
​Geoprobe® 7800 truck mounted
Geoprobe® 7822 DT track mounted
Geoprobe® 54LT track mounted
Our Projects
See Our Rigs In Action.